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ucommon Very light-weight C++ library for deeply embedded applications
ucpp C preprocessor and lexer
ugdb Alternative TUI for gdb
umbrello UML Modeller
unibilium Basic terminfo library
unidiff Converts between uni-diffs and context diffs
unifdef Selectively remove C preprocessor conditionals
unittest-cpp Lightweight unit testing framework for C++
uno Tool for source code analysis
userspace-rcu Userspace RCU (Read Copy Update)
uthash Hash table, implemented in C
valgrind Debugging and profiling tools
vanessa_adt Library that provides Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
vanessa_logger Library that provides a generic logging layer
vanessa_socket Library that simplifies TCP/IP socket operations
vera++ Programmable verification and analysis tool for C++
viewvc (V) Viewing the content of CVS/SVN repositories with a Webbrowser
visualvm Monitor, profile, take and browse java thread dumps
vtcl Visual Tcl/Tk application development environment
wabt The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit
waf Framework for configuring, compiling, and installing applications
wayland Display server protocol - development libraries
wayland-protocols Additional wayland functionality
why3 Platform for deductive program verification
woboq_codebrowser Code analysis tool
xa65 Cross assembler for MOS Technologies 6502
xdelta Enhanced diff that works on binary files
xdelta3 Enhanced diff that works on binary files (version 3.x)
xfce4-conf Xfce client-server configuration storage and query system
xfce4-dev-tools Xfce development tools
xmake Portable make utility
xorg-util-macros Xorg autotool macros
xsd W3C XML Schema to C++ data binding compiler
xxgdb Graphical X11 interface for gdb
xxhash Extremely fast non-cryptographic hash algorithm
yajl Small JSON library written in ANSI C
yarn JavaScript package manager
yasm Complete rewrite of the NASM assembler with BSD license
z80-asm Z80 assembly code assembler and disassembler
zeal Offline documentation browser inspired by Dash
ZenTest Testing utilities for Ruby
zig-mode Zig programming language mode for Emacs
zlib General purpose data compression library
zookeeper Highly reliable distributed coordination server
zzuf Transparent application input fuzzer